WSQ Tourist Guide Programme (English)


Singapore remains as one of the top visited countries globally. The rich heritage and diverse culture is one of the top reasons contributing to the popularity, and this is why it is essential to equip Singapore tour guides with the knowledge.

Course Objectives

Learn from the experienced tourism professionals who are also licensed STB tourist guides through role-plays, activities and field trips. The programme prepares participants to take the STB (Singapore Tourism Board) practical assessment to be a licensed Tourist Guide.

Course Outlines

The course covers the following knowledge and skills areas.

  • Create Customer Experience (TGS – 2018505078) – 22 hours
  • Tourist Guides - NC/NAP (TGS – 2020504025) – 102.75 hours
    - Handle Arrival and Departure of Visitors
    - Promote Singapore as a Tourist Destination & Apply Tourism Knowledge
    - Write Tour Commentary
  • Conduct Tour (TGS – 2020504029) – 108.5 hours 


  • Total 233.25 hours
  • 7 months (Part-Time)
    • Classroom Training : Two weekday evenings (6.45pm to 9.45pm) and/or one Saturday morning (9am to 1pm)
    • Field Trips: Saturday (9am to 1pm) and/or (2pm to 6pm)
  • 5 months (Full-Time)
    • Classroom Training and including Field Trips : Three weekdays, 9am to 6pm

Mode of Instruction

  • Mini lectures, field trips, role-plays and games
  • Interactive practical activities for group and individual
  • Independent learning sessions, mutual sharing and feedback
  • Trainer-Student Ratio - 1:20


Upon successful completion of the programme, attaining minimum 75% attendance (90% attendance for student pass holders) and passing all assessments, participants will be awarded with 3 Statement of Attainments (SOAs) by SSG. Participants will be eligible to apply for the Tourist Guide License with Singapore Tourism Board. For Foreigners, please note that STB will only issue the Tourist Guide License to foreigners holding employment pass / work permit which is valid for at least 6 months from date of passing the examination. He/She must also be gainfully employed by a travel agent as a tourist guide.

Target Audience

Individuals who wish to become STB-licensed tourist guides


This programme is no longer accepting enrolment.